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Coming March 1, 2025

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A To DnD Episode


To DnD or not to DnD, that is the DnD question. To DnD or Not to DnD is an Indianapolis based Dungeons and Dragons 5e Actual Play podcast featuring the voice talents of Jake Carrico, Adam Davis, Brandi Davis, Sabrina Duprey, and RC Thorne. 



Cast Members


Jake Carrico

Jake has been involved in theatre since his elementary years, and picked up DnD early into college. Jake attended Purdue University where he double majored in Political Science and Theatre. Since then, he has been a religious player, involved in several campaigns year round. During his time at Purdue, Jake's favorite performance was where he played the role of "Chuck" in the production "She Kills Monsters", which is a show about, fittingly, Dungeons and Dragons. When not on stage or playing DnD, Jake enjoys playing video games, playing his saxophone, and staying up to date on policy related to energy. 


Adam Davis

Adam Davis is the Dungeon Master and Editor for To DnD or Not To DnD. While not exactly an experienced DM, he hopes his passion for the game, and eye for a good story, help carry him through the shenanigans and tomfoolery that is sure to ensue. Adam is the creator of the 5 Realms and the city of Illifort, but that by no means makes him an expert on the matter. He is also privileged enough to bring to life the rest of the citizens of the 5 Realms, sans our intrepid heroes.  Adam is an award winning stage actor and writer who’s work has been seen on stages all through Central Indiana, as well as a YouTube content creator. You can find him on Twitter, IG, and YouTube @fraudsyndrome 


Brandi Davis

Brandi began participating in theatre when she was five years old and hasn't stopped since.  DnD is a much more recent addition to her hobbies.  She was hesitant to play because she finds all the rules and numbers and pieces of Dnd to be overwhelming, and improv has never been her acting strength.  Brandi is glad she agreed to be a part of this podcast and is finding it to be a little bit easier to keep everything straight after each session.  Plus writing everything down helps, or at least everything that seems relevant to her character which doesn't always include everything the DM feels is relevant to the campaign.


Sabrina Duprey

Sabrina Duprey has been performing onstage since she was 12 years old, and has performed in over 40 shows since then. She received her degree in Aeronautical Flight Technology from Vincennes University, but has continued doing theatre. About two years ago some friends of hers convinced her to listen to a D&D podcast and she instantly fell in love with the game. She loves creating characters and their stories and bringing them to life, and has since participated in a year long campaign and several one shots. She is thrilled to be starting another campaign in podcast form, especially as a fairy! You can find her on IG @the.teen.witch


Zach Griffith 

Zach Griffith is an experienced role player and game master who is excited to bring his own unique brand of creativity and problems solving to the 'To DnD or Not to DnD' table. Tabletop gaming is all about rolling with the chaos the dice bring and finding creative solutions to that chaos, and Zach thrives in that type of game setting, trying to balance workable solutions with comedic results. When not playing games, Zach is an Electrical Engineering student at Purdue University and an accomplished brass musician and guitar player who now has his sights set on a new instrument, the banjo.


R.C. Thorne

In 1978, a 10 year old RC pleaded with his parents to buy Dungeons & Dragons despite repeated denials from them stating “No, it has the devil in it”. Without any recollection, he was able to purchase the game. He immediately realized, this wasn’t like any other game he’s played. The intricate rules and the massive amount of data on creatures, stats, weapons, and magic spells were too much for Little RC to comprehend. While he thought the pictures were cool, he thumbed through the book realizing this wasn’t for him, not to mention the fact that you needed friends to play with, which sadly RC had none.  His parents would remind him how lucky he was that he hadn’t gone down Satan’s path after watching the TV movie Mazes & Monsters, starring Tom Hanks and Chris Makepeace, which according to them was “obviously based on a true story” and reinforced their kooky theories.  40 years later, after a life filled with single player RPGs, RC is now getting to live out his childhood dream to play D&D with friends! Real live people! He doesn’t know shit about the game, but he’s gonna have fun playing.  RC Thorne is an actor in the Indianapolis area, performing in plays and commercials, and the occasional background in some movies and tv shows. His hobbies include music, poker, squirrels, and is currently watching everything MCU in chronological order. (please no spoilers)





Check out the systems & games we've played

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